U.S. Navy Ships in WWII Dazzle Camouflage 1944-1945

Destroyer Escorts

View by Hull Number


View by Hull Number
The destroyer escorts of the Evarts class were a diesel-electric design called General Motors Tandem drive (GMT), armed with 3-inch guns with a hull length of 289 feet 5 inches.

Ships in red are not confirmed by photographic or textual research.
Click on a blue ship's name or design number to see photos.
Design Number Silhouette Ships Wearing Design
for DE-5
Measure 31
Doherty (DE-14)Gilmore (DE-18)
LeHardy (DE-20)Wileman (DE-22)
Whitman (DE-24)Dempsey (DE-26)
Emery (DE-28)Martin (DE-30)
Sanders (DE-40)Cabana (DE-260)
Connolly (DE-306)John J. Powers (DE-528)
John M. Bermingham (DE-530)

Measure 32
Carlson (DE-9)Stadtfeld (DE-29)
for DE-5
Measure 31
Fleming (DE-32)Manlove (DE-36)
Lyman (DE-302)Rall (DE-304)

Measure 32
Wyffels (DE-6)Edgar G. Case (DE-16)
Sederstrom (DE-31)Tisdale (DE-33)
Fair (DE-35)Andres (DE-45)
Decker (DE-47)Dobler (DE-48)
Smartt (DE-257)Walter S. Brown (DE-258)
William C. Miller (DE-259)O'Toole (DE-527)
for DE-5
No ships yet identified in this design
for DE-5
Measure 31
Eisele (DE-34)

Measure 32
Greiner (DE-37)Loverling (DE-39)
Brackett (DE-41)Halloran (DE-305)
for DE-5
Measure 31
Wyman (DE-38)Canfield (DE-262)

Measure 32
Austin (DE-15)Burden R. Hastings (DE-19)
Harold C. Thomas (DE-21)Deede (DE-263)
Mason (DE-529)
for DE-51
Measure 31
Osterhaus (DE-164)O'Neill (DE-188)
Eldon (DE-264)Willmarth (DE-638)
Fieberling (DE-640)Weaver (DE-741)
Hilbert (DE-742)Tills (DE-748)

Measure 32
Evarts (DE-5)Acree (DE-167)
Stern (DE-187)Bangust (DE-739)
for DE-51
Measure 31
Lovelace (DE-198)Seid (DE-256)
Haines (DE-792)

Measure 32
Manning (DE-199)Maloy (DE-791)
for DE-339
Measure 31
Key (DE-348)Traw (DE-350)
Naifeh (DE-352)Lloyd E. Acree (DE-356)
Williams (DE-372)Edmonds (DE-406)
Leland E. Thomas (DE-420)Douglas A. Monro (DE-422)

Measure 32
Jesse Rutherford (DE-347)Gentry (DE-349)
Maurice J. Manuel (DE-351)Doyle C. Barnes (DE-353)
Jaccard (DE-355)George E. Davis (DE-357)
Walton (DE-361)French (DE-367)
Presley (DE-371)Shelton (DE-407)
Chester T. O'Brien (DE-421)Dufilho (DE-423)
Mason (DE-529)
for DE-51
Measure 31
Engstrom (DE-50)Eichenberger (DE-202)
Hemminger (DE-746)

Measure 32
Brennan (DE-13)Thomason (DE-203)
England (DE-635)Bowers (DE-637)
George (DE-697)Bright (DE-747)
for DE-5
Measure 31
Reynolds (DE-42)

Measure 32
Crouter (DE-11)Edward C. Daly (DE-17)
Charles Greer (DE-23)Wintle (DE-25)
Duffy (DE-27)Mitchell (DE-43)
Dionne (DE-261)Crowley (DE-303)
Finnegan (DE-307)
for DE-5
Measure 31
Steele (DE-8)Bebas (DE-10)
Donaldson (DE-44)

Measure 32
Griswold (DE-7)Doneff (DE-49)
for DE-51
Measure 31
Wesson (DE-184)Swearer (DE-186)
Darby (DE-218)Paul G. Baker (DE-642)
Vammen (DE-644)Borum (DE-790)

Measure 32
Coolbaugh (DE-217)Lake (DE-301)
Foreman (DE-633)
for DE-5
No ships yet identified in this design